code p0171

  1. J

    Codes P0171 and P0174 diagnosis help

    So my TJ threw bank 1 and 2 lean code recently, so plugged the OBD reader in and checked the LTFT and O2 sensor data. LTFT at idle is about 20% at Running Temp in Closed Loop, on throttle open (in Neutral), the LTFT drops for a split second then goes back up to 20% and remains there till WOT...
  2. digitalerik

    Error code P0171 and less aceleration power

    Some ideas of P0171 specificlly with less power at acelerate, just a little bit, like a missfire. This issue is intermitente until now, but if something need maintenance I want to prevent any bigger issue. My mechanic will do in 2 more days maintenance to injectors and all throttle body...
  3. K

    Code P0171

    So I bought my Jeep ten plus years ago and when things go wrong it’s typically because they haven’t been changed since I bought it. I do the regular maintain every other week but when things go exceptionally wrong more times then not, it just hasn’t been changed in ten years. My Jeep started to...