
  1. 3521inapastlife

    2005 Wrangler O2 sensor code trouble troubleshooting (P0135 and P0155)

    I've gone through the other threads, but couldn't find something on this guy. I've gotten this from an insurance auction and have gotten everything fixed aside from the two P0135 and P0155 codes. These are both upstream 02 sensor heating codes. I've replaced the sensors, straight from the...
  2. Brian Moore

    Code P0135: upstream O2 sensor?

    I know its for the upstream O2 sensor. But i was wondering if that would cause backfire and stalling.

    Error code P0135?

    Need some sage advice! My 2001 TJ started to have the check engine light come (and stay) on this weekend. It runs fine and no noticeable changes. I found the secret to looking up the OBDII error code with the magic turn-the-key-3x trick and got a P0135, which I just saw is a "1/1 O2 Sensor...