So I have a 2004 5 sp Rubicon on a 3.5" lift and double cardan drive shaft. Over the weekend I took it on the actual Rubicon Trail here in CA and got to put it through its paces. About half way through the trail it started exhibiting a ratcheting noise anytime I would wedge the Jeep up against a rock to climb and give it gas. At first I thought I destroyed the ring and pinion on one of my diffs but it seems to operate relatively normally outside the rear locker not engaging.
Additional Info:
Additional Info:
- Rear locker light is solid and saying its engaged but the diff performs as if it was open. Confirmed by one spinning wheel in loose traction situations
- Front locker light is solid and working correctly
- The ratcheting sound happens regardless of the lockers being engaged or not.
- The sound only comes up when there is a big load on the drivetrain ie. .climbing up a rock. It does not make sounds when just driving forward.