Ouch. It doesn’t take much to tweak the sheet metal unfortunately. Time for some corners and a tailgate plate.
Is there any interest in designing a transmission crossmember and/or belly skid plate?
That's a difficult task. I designed my own for my early TJ because no brand offered completely flat and Savvy stopped making the early TJ ones. There's 3 differences in TJ's for a skid: early/late, and Rubicon. The mounting holes in the frame are different size and position between early/late. Then with the Rubicons you have the NP241 which is a fat transfer case, and I'm not sure you could even get completely flat with it.
Each transmission has its own mount, totalling 7 potential variants. Or a couple fewer if the ax15 and nv3550 are the same.
None of the Savvy skids where completely flat.
They also all feature poly mounts. Folks on the forum have suggested using the OEM trans mount in tandem with the poly mounts so that you have better rubber isolation for vibes, this could also be incorporated or the poly mounts could be swapped for rubber themselves.
Did they not use the same universal bracket?
I also know that the reason Savvy number produces a 32rh skid is because everything about the crossmember and mount was different from all other options. It would have been it's own specific design.
I've not had mine long but I used poly mounts and can't tell a noticeable difference in vibes compared to stock.
This is reassuring, as I have a TMR kit in the mail! Did you retain the factory trans mount or is your trans mounted directly to the crossmember with poly isolation at the frame?
Test hits on the 5/8x1.5 went well. I’m going to step up to 3/4x1.5. Ordering some material and will test it. Should go well. View attachment 580698View attachment 580699
I just went through the design and build of a completely custom transmission mount and cross-member (using the stock rubber mount) and 1" drop skid with a 4 speed Atlas behind an NSG370 in and LJ with a lot of help from the forum, especially @mrblaine. You can see it starting here in my build thread. It was a lot more work than I anticipated. I'm a design engineer with decades of experience, and I would not want to tackle trying to make a mounting system to work for all the different combinations of model year, transmission, and transfer case. I know I was pushing the limits of packaging with my combination of components (the Atlas's length and height tested my patience), but there's way too much variation of stock components out there, and then you add the production tolerance issues. No thanks...
As the youngins say, “True dat!”Gives perspective to how good a job Blaine did for Savvy when they used to offer the various combinations.