Another forum community post...

College student. I know funds can be tight in college and you may even have to take out a loan, or even "Get a job!" Duct tape can go a long way last time I checked. Probably keep rain out no problem. Won't look good, but hey, your in college, what do you expect? You get nice cars and garages when you graduate, get a good job and can support all that. Till then its not suffering to live on Ramen noodles and a bicycle.
This is so, so stupid... It's one thing to setup a Go Fund Me for a medical issue, some sort of natural disaster, etc. However, saying that your a college student and can't afford your Jeep? Give me a break man... This is stupid.

What this guy should be doing is investing in full coverage insurance (too late now though) or not owning a Jeep if he can't afford it. All of us were in this guys shoes once, and I'm pretty sure we weren't begging for money.

I'm very disappointed how a lot of the younger generation has resorted to asking the internet for money because they're too lazy. Get some duct tape and temporarily fix it. Trust me, the right amount of duct tape would fix this for long enough to get a new top.
Hell, I've got Gorilla tape on my top in a couple of places right now. I thought that was what you were SUPPOSED to do when the top gets damaged. Eventually, I'll order up a new top.

Sheesh, snowflakes.
Let me know when you get your Go Fund Me account opened. I'll be the first to donate.
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