The good thing is now I pretty much know what's what with it. I will say for a while I was questioning my mechanic but he has an excellent reputation. Here's her story since I bought her in October from family friend that claimed in excellent shape. Dang used car salesmen.
I took her in and she needed a lot of maintenance work (water pump, battery, shocks, bearings, oil, fluids, flushes, etc) and she was good to go. 2nd time I drove it, on the way home it started this terrible clunking. I thought something fell out so had it towed in. Turns out rear differential went out and while test driving it check engine light showed power steering something or other needed replacing. While he was replacing the differential he noticed the front drive shaft was damaged so removed it till we could look into further. So I replaced the differential, power steering etc and month later she chugs down the road and won't run right. Back to the shop to find out one clylinder on motor died at 132,000 miles. Rather than try and piecemeal after investing this much money we decided just to order a jasper rebuilt. While replacing the motor they found the exhaust manifold was cracked in 2 places, coil was cracked, 2 motor mounts were bad and a bearing or something inside the clutch was broken in a couple of pieces. I replaced all that and I'll be danged if week later check engine light is back on showing the 02 sensors are no good. On my way to drop off at shop I stopped to get gas and noticed a puddle underneath. Half way there my clutch goes. Turns out was the slave cylinder so I had the slave, master and 02 sensors replaced. Figured after spending this much may as well go ahead and replace the front drive shaft finally. Is she worth the $17,000 I invested? Of course not but I can't live with myself hiding stuff to sell her and now she should last a long time. Mechanic keeps saying nothing else major to fix except tranny and transfer case but I told him hush. Every time she says that something else goes. She was obviously abused and poorly maintained but her body is still in great shape and she has a new home that's not a junk yard. Good thing tax season is usually 10+ hours a week overtime so will pay off a lot of her repairs. Now new carpet or leave it just metal floors????????