TCase output shaft bearing? Rear pinion loose (probably see a leak if it was)? Carrier bearings? Or try the phone test to see if you can isolate "where exactly" the sound is coming from.
Probably. Will confirm tomorrow but it only happens for a brief moment. Once the Jeep is up and going it goes away completely.
Yes but only one is spinning
Here’s another clue… shudder is intermittent. Drive Jeep for first time today to work. Could not make it shudder. Drive home 2 hours later and shudders bad on aggressive takeoff.
Did you make your skid more malleable?
What condition was the 32rh when it went in?
I officially retired from pole vaulting last night. I’m excited to have more free time and freedom to travel and wheel new places next season. Really hoping to visit JV quite a bit.
View attachment 540675
Congratulations, my last day is July 31.
Congratulations, my last day is July 31.
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