Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ engine mounts

Beat to Death Won't Start Subject


New Member
Original poster
Aug 1, 2024
SE Ontario, Canada
1st Post, new Jeep owner, long time forum reader. I did post this on an older thread and then saw a suggestion from a mod a few years ago that suggested new threads get more views rather than reviving an old thread...

I have a new to me 2005 TJ 4.0 Auto Sport, LED headlights and aftermarket fog lights. No issues whatsoever in 1 year of ownership. Really enjoy driving it and working on it has been really easy (changing spark plugs, cabin fan etc). I'm so impressed by how it's put together. Mostly I'm trying to keep it on the road, in decent shape. Maybe I'll do a members ride post and show updates and solicit some suggestions.

Background: Saturday morning, turn key, hear single click but no starter turn or rapid clicking indicating low/dead battery. So I figure either very low battery or no enough power getting from battery to the starter:
  • Checked unloaded battery voltage: 12.6 V.
  • Got battery load tester out and showed 10.5ish V and 400-500 cca under load. Battery seems good.
  • Check voltage at starter contacts, pretty close to battery voltage (can't remember exact number now).
Because I'm the assuming type, I went and got a screw driver and jumped the starter. Same deal; click but no spin of the starter motor. Went and got the jump box hoping extra juice might help. Jumped the stater again and no go.
  • Decided to tap the starter with a hammer while helper turned the key. No change.
Moving on:
  • Inspected all the fuses and found the A/C clutch fuse blown (kinda suspect AC compressor is on the way out but shouldn't effect starting)
  • Replaced the 10A fuse and the thing started right up with the key.
Ok whatever, must be a loose connection somewhere or maybe the power or ground cable is oxidizing internally inside the sheathing, and got lucky. So I decided to clean all the contacts best I could for the starter circuit: Positive terminal at batt, pos terminal on starter solenoid, signal wire on solenoid, contact from solenoid to starter motor, neg battery terminal. The only thing I haven't done is the main neg ground from the battery to wherever that goes (firewall, I think?).

No good. Still clicks. It's snowing here and it's cold (-4F -12C) and this sucks. I have a garage but my car is in there and my jeep that won't start is in blocking it in.

Decide to run an extra power cable from battery to the starter thinking maybe something is up with the power cable. Nope still no start.

Pull the starter off, take the battery out and put in on the bench. Bench test shows the pinion pops out but doesn't spin. Ok starter has failed. Order new starter. Decide since I have it off and relatively warmer now, I'll try cleaning the posts on the starter more now and try again, this time with the jump box too for maximum power.

Damn thing spins like crazy. Try it a bunch of times with and without jump box. Works great. WTF. Slam it all back in the jeep, rearrange the vehicles so I can get to work in the morning.

Now dear Forum reader is the question: Is the starter faulty? Did I just get lucky with it randomly working on the bench? I didn't think the contacts looked particularly dirty but cleaned them up with a wire brush anyway. My plan while I wait for the new starter to arrive is to keep trying to start it and ponder your replies.

Thanks for reading my book.
I'd just chalk that up to an older starter being an older starter.

That and your percussive maintenance skills need a brass punch and a bigger dead blow hammer.

Question you have now is this good enough? That starter is going to do that again. Out on a trail in waist deep snow with no cell phone coverage would suck.

I also think your battery is going...12.6 is middle of the road but 10 under load is no bueno.

Excellent diagnosis and fix!

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Exactly where my head went with the starter. Being an auto, there's not much alternative to starting it. For the $200, the new starter is cheap insurance that is not the problem.

I agree on the battery. Weak battery could have hastened the starter's demise too, I think.

Definitely used a small dead blow. I have a history of... being overzealous with the percussive maintenance...
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I'd just chalk that up to an older starter being an older starter.

That and your percussive maintenance skills need a brass punch and a bigger dead blow hammer.

Question you have now is this good enough? That starter is going to do that again. Out on a trail in waist deep snow with no cell phone coverage would suck.

I also think your battery is going...12.6 is middle of the road but 10 under load is no bueno.

Excellent diagnosis and fix!


So while waiting for new the starter to arrive I have left the TJ in the garage and going out and cranking every day. Mostly out of curiosity. Last night it would not start again. I think we have found it had 5 or 6 more starts in it and that was it!

New starter should arrive this afternoon. It will go in this weekend and I think I may drop the old one off to be rebuild. We'll see what local shops will charge.
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Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ engine mounts