Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ engine mounts

Best song to listen to in a TJ?

Wait! Y'all can hear music over all the road noise and wind blowing? Damn it!

Yup. :cool:
Having bought my Jeep new in Phoenix Arizona and long before that being bit by gold fever I had two songs. The first leg of the journey Gordon Lightfoot song Carefree Highway and shortly followed by America...Horse with no Name once in the goldfields!
I mostly listen to a lot of extreme metal these days. A really good atmospheric black metal album is awesome when way out in the woods.

However, I probably should avoid Bolt Thrower, lest I jinx myself.

I'm a big fan of modern bluegrass/folk when wheeling in the boondocks. The Steeldrivers, Corb Lund, Colter Wall, stuff like that.
Widespread Panic is always a great listen.

Indeed! I never realized there would be any "Spreadheads" in this forum but it makes sense.

When I bought my 1999 TJ in 1999 (25th birthday), I was also hitting all the Panic shows I could in the South and Southeast. So many good memories of driving all over during the summer with the top off, doors off, and blaring Space Wrangler, Everyday, Light Fuse & Get Away, etc, etc. on the shitty stereo. Hell, I still do it weekly I guess but the stereo is a little better now and the doors almost never come off in Colorado.

Alrighty....back to work. LOL.
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ engine mounts