Back on it after being out of town last weekend.
Spent some time getting the Jeep positioned on the trailer to yield 10-15% tongue weight. Used a crane scale as seen here on the forum.
I have not yet weighed the Jeep so estimating 4500-5000 lbs with the wheels, axles and armor added. Add 2000 for the trailer and that’s maybe 6500 to 7000 lbs. I am sitting just below 750 on the tongue.
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The trailer is very close to level in that set up.
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Then I wanted to mock up my strap configuration to locate my D rings. There is very little real estate on the rear axle to get straps over. The spots are not symmetrical as on the driver side the track bar mount is wider than the passenger side control arm mount . I am not thrilled with an asymmetrical set up, even is only a few inches off centered. But that’s the only way to get a straight strap and that’s what I want.
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In the front there is no where flat and wide enough to wrap an axle strap over my axle tubes. The only spaces are both going to pinch the strap and I think chafe them over time.
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However, I can get straps through the lower C’s which are super beefy on the Currie Super 44.
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So, I located the D rings lined up to those spots and with one bolt in the trailer cross member. It rained today so I lost a couple hours of work time and out of time for the day, tomorrow I will cut and fit some angle pieces on the backside of the cross member at each bolt location so those bolts also grab metal structure, of course with the brackets bolted to the cross members.
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I also got some of the trailer deck screws and will zip them into the cross members through the boards that have the D rings fit on them. Like this:
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Edit: these are just for reference, a configuration that I tried but ultimately bailed on. Too many connections and I could not convince myself that the straps would stay put on the tires.
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