I wanted to take the time to give my thoughts about the CamperKingUSA hardtop. After weighing my options between OEM hardtops, rally tops and bulldawg manufacturing tops (all great options) I was a bit disappointed initially when it came to finding a quality top for a good price with used hardtops going anywhere from 1000-2600 in Southern California. Eventually I found camper king USA, a small family company that started in manufacturing campers but switched to manufacturing Jeep tops about 13 years ago. The photos online looked great and the price point at 1500 for a brand new hardtop with headliner installed was justifiable for me. It was convenient for me to purchase my hardtop from them due to the fact they are based out of San Diego, which is local to me. I made the trip to check out the tops and it was obvious to me they were quality so I purchased one. they put on new foam weatherstripping on my jeep tub before installing the hardtop which I thought was a nice touch. It was a quick usual hardtop install apart from how it latches to the windshield. In my opinion they have a better design that hooks to the front windshield with a nut and lock washer leading to a significantly better seal than what I’ve experienced with hardtops in the past. due to this and the carpet headliner it is significantly more quiet than my OEM hardtop. my only possible con thus far is the rear windshield uses truck canopy style handles (think YJ hardtop) instead of being kept closed behind the tailgate. I’m not even sure that I dislike this it leads to a better Seal it’s just different and I figured worth noting.
If you have any questions or would like additional photos feel free to ask!
If you have any questions or would like additional photos feel free to ask!