Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ engine mounts

CJ grille (nose job) for the LJ


[Catch Phrase]
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Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 14, 2024
I know LJs are much more rare than CJs but I'm old and my mind still digs that CJ nose.
Somewhere around 14-15 years ago I did this mod on my stretched 1ton tj and I still love the way it looked to this day.
All though alive and well, that jeep is no longer mine and that grille was lost to trail carnage some years back.

Anyways I spent a week following that jeep around in Moab last month and it got me itching to do another one ton build up on my current LJ-R.
I picked up a dynatrac HP60 and a 14 bolt (soon to be 13) and will get that going this winter/spring.
The idea of a tons build brought back the nostalgia of that grill mod, so I'm kicking off my build with a nose job first.

Last time (on another forum), I posted my project and a lot of people liked seeing/reading about it so I thought I'd post here with the new nose work.

The basic premise, French an M38 grille into a TJ/LJ grille housing.
This keeps the outside factory shape so there's no issue with existing fender or hood connections. Easier to fit, and or replace parts and pieces.

*edited for spelling and clarity :D

My old 01tonTJ with M38 Mod:

ps- Not sure if this is a "How to" type thread: @Chris


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Mock up the M38 inside the TJ
I had to trim the light bracket and inner side panels on the back side/ inside of the M38 to let it sit nicely. YMMV

IMG_4943 copy.jpg
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Awesome thread!

Remember though, it's a grille, not a grill ;)

I moved this to the how-to section since it really is a how-to thread near as I can tell.
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I dig it. How does the CJ grille compare to the M38 as far as installation?

Thanks. It should be about the same. AFAIK the grille dimensions between CJ-2a and M38 are the same (m38 was essentially a .mil CJ-3a). I like the M38 for its MB-ish parking light pockets vs the standard CJ-2a/3a surface mounted lamps.
A million stitch welds and a few short runs here and there.
Flapwheel as can be done
Block sanded
It doesnt look smooth but it's baby bum
next up primers and paints.

Nice. I'm a CJ fan too.
Have you seen @jscherb work?
He had molds for putting a CJ grille on a TJ (and more).

yeah @jscherb ‘s cj8 convert is awesome. I like this m38 mod because it’s simple to do and I dont have to mess with the fenders and hood (I already have highline aluminum fenders and a heat reduction genright hood).
Well, I lost a day but it was interesting. I saw an intersting paint Krylon Stainless Steel and thought OH! That could be cool. The short of it, it just looked like UV damaged silver. So I stripped it off and started over.

I’m gonna run the tried and true hammered silver from rustoleum for it now. Should blend in with the oem silver and alum armor well enough.

Pics tomorrow or when it’s dry.
So the last time I did this I spent a fair bit of head scratching making the TJ headlight buckets work in the CJ opening. It was a bit of a PITA.

This time I have proper CJ headlamp bucket assemblies. The only issue with using CJ2/3 buckets is the backside is closed/sealed/solid with just a grommeted hole for the + and - wires to pass through (the ground is on the assembly). That wont work as is with the TJ lamp plugs, so I cut the back wall of the bucket off so that it'll be a stright shot to run the LJ's existing light plug to the head light.

This is the assembly viewed from the back(engine side) after cutting off the back wall.

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Ugh. Can't find the trim ring screws... LOL.
I'm pretty close now though.

On the why. Well mostly because I love the flatties in looks but the LJ in function. That and I like my jeep to be recognizable as mine when parked next to the masses. But if we need a "rational" justification, the CJ grill moves the headlights inward slightly which means if I ever run a radiator hoop, the bar wont cover/obstruct much if any of the headlight.

I doubled down on ensuring clearance for steering lines and trimmed the driver side bottom a little. With a body lift there shouldnt be a problem and I didnt have an issue last time but just to be safe. Oh, and it saves a gram or two in weight LOL.

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Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ engine mounts