Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ radiator

Codes P0351, P0352, P0353 fix


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Original poster
May 19, 2024
First time posting but I need assistance clearing these codes. I replaced a flywheel and clutch in an 03 Wrangler Rubicon 4.0 and it will start up but when given throttle it dies. This was the second time to drop the transmission so I had some experience. I hooked up a scanner to get these 3 codes of the ignition coils. I replaced the coil pack, spark plugs, crank position sensor, TPS sensor, Idle air control valve, MAP sensor. I had the ECU checked at Wranglerfix, found no issues. No change of the problem with any of these parts. I’m pulling wire covers off to check for shorts. Thanks!
First time posting but I need assistance clearing these codes. I replaced a flywheel and clutch in an 03 Wrangler Rubicon 4.0 and it will start up but when given throttle it dies. This was the second time to drop the transmission so I had some experience. I hooked up a scanner to get these 3 codes of the ignition coils. I replaced the coil pack, spark plugs, crank position sensor, TPS sensor, Idle air control valve, MAP sensor. I had the ECU checked at Wranglerfix, found no issues. No change of the problem with any of these parts. I’m pulling wire covers off to check for shorts. Thanks!

I had the same codes pop up along with the jeep cutting out. Ended up being a bad ground. All three coils get their ground from the engine block on the passenger side right below them. Make sure they are good and clean and the wire there also goes straight back to the battery.
I ended up having a bunch of crud on mine and when reconnecting the wires one time inadvertently caused the ground problem. Cleaned them up good and no issues since.
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I did clean the ground but I will do it again tomorrow and possibly add another ground to make sure. Thanks!
Ram, how did you realize it was the flywheel. I'm having the exact same issue. P0351, P0352, and P0353 right after replacing the fly wheel. I ordered Luk too. jeeps been down for a week now. I replaced the CPS and the Coil Pack. I'm thinking my issue it the fly wheel as well.
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Crank position sensor does just that...let's the PCM know where the crank is in rotation. I can't recall if the bolt pattern for the flywheel is keyed through the bolt pattern...but basically the flywheel has metal in certain places and no metal in others so when one or the other happens the PCM gets a pulse.

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Ok boys, @RAM1488 was correct. So I appreciate the information @RAM1488 . If you look at the picture. The bottom flywheel "luk" is from Amazon and the top one from. NAPA"luk". The holes are lined perfectly and you see the notches are not matching up. My guess is if the CPS can't read it correctly it shuts itself off. My mistake is I didn't line it up from The one I removed originally. Just slapped it in like a idiot. Now runs perfectly 👌
I find this tread very helpful. I installed the Amazon Luk flywheel ... test drove it tonight, started fine, ran okay for 2-3 miles. Check engine light came on and jeep died a mile later. Towed it home and found the 351 series of codes. Front coil pack had puked melted plastic.

Question: do I have a flywheel issue that caused the coil pack to fail, or, is this all a coincidence? I have trouble believing in coincidence.

20 year old Jeeps are full of coincidences. All the parts you haven't replaced are well past intended service life.

Tell me you want to replace the coil and send it, or drop the skid plate, remove the exhaust, driveshafts, transfer case and transmission and the new clutch on the hope that you find something? =)

Check wiring...lots of places to pinch wires when doing the clutch.

I'm pretty sure, it has to do with the CPS reading the flywheel. But the science behind that. I'm not sure.

I just went through the same thing with my 04 TJ. Wound up replacing everything as well. I WILL NEVER BUY Another LUK Anything Again. In addition, I tried calling the Schaeffler(Parent Company to LUK) Customer Service Line and proceeded to sit on Hold for an Hour and 28 minutes before I gave up and realized they just don't care about the Customers. The Flywheel that I wound up replacing the LUK with is a Centerforce and it works and feels Great. Look at the Timing Marks on the side of the attached picture. They are Very Different. And that's what was causing the 0351, 0352 and 0353 Codes.

Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ radiator