The TJ is officially posted for sale, although the main 'interest' at this current point is "would you trade for my *insert $3k vehicle/boat/atv/motorcycle here*"

Supposedly, there's a guy in Denver who is interested in seeing it this coming weekend, so time will tell!
So with that out of the way, It's been 3 days driving the LJ around town as my daily driver.
But it hasn't come without issue. Initially, I thought everything was good, but possibly my judgement was clouded by excitement.
There's a very odd 'wobble' in the front end. Almost similar to a bent wheel/unbalanced tire.
It's unnoticeable in the driver or passenger seat, only noticeable by holding/looking at the steering wheel.
It's not so much a "shake/vibration", but more of a gentle 'rocking' back-forth of the steering wheel.
I took the LJ to the tire shop today, and had all the wheels/tires balanced & rotated to see if that could clear up some of the issues.
It did not.
So I resorted to the possibility that I might need to re-torque all arms/steering components.
All of which were also fine.
I'm currently a bit bamboozled by this problem, as nothing is loose, wheels are in balance, and geometry seems fine otherwise.
(no pulling, drifting, twitchiness, etc)
I'm beginning to wonder if this issue is possibly related to my front caster concerns. Which I mention below.
Another issue I'm running into involves pinion angles.
I stated the other day that everything was "good" but I've got drivetrain vibrations.
Vibrations don't start until 65mph, but are the text-book "vroom-vrooom-vroooom-vrooooom" drone noises of a vibrating driveshaft.
I crawled underneath the rear of the Jeep, and measured the output flange of the transfer case, as well as the rear pinion angle.
Transfer case output is 7 degrees, and rear pinion was 12 degrees.
Since i have NOT installed an SYE, I am still on the factory driveshaft.
theoretically my pinion angle
should be matched to Transfer Case angle.
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The issue lies in the fact that I've got the rear upper control arms adjusted as short as they will go, and reduced some of the pinion angle.
My rear upper arms are now at their absolute SHORTEST length possible, and the pinion is STILL sitting at 10 degrees (3 degrees more than Transfer Case).
The vibrations
might have gotten a bit better, but it could also be placebo effect, as they're still noticeable at speed.
So I believe my only option is to lengthen the lowers by a few turns, to account for the extra angle I need to pull out.
This in turn will push my axle back slightly, which will push my bumpstops slightly out of line with each other.
The bumpstops are almost perfectly aligned as of right now, but I'm sure to get the extra angle out of the pinion, they will ultimately only sit about 1/2 way centered on the bumpstops.
I'm not knowledgeable enough to know whether this is an 'okay' move or not.
Aside from that, the LJ is driving BEAUTIFULLY at speeds under 60mph, with the exception of some caster issues.
It's not wandering, or all over the road, but just feels a bit 'unstable' as if it doesn't want to hold a straight line.
Steering feels very light & 'flighty'.
Front driveshaft is sitting at 6.8 degrees, and front pinion is sitting at 7.3 degrees.
(which, again
theoretically, should net around 4.7 degrees of caster) ~ although digital angle finder on top of front ball joint reads 4.3 degrees.
I'm sure there are some slight discrepancies in these readings.
Either way, they're close
enough but I think by pulling the front pinion angle down a degree or so, I would effectively 'even them up' and add a significant amount of caster as well, without causing driveshaft/pinion issues. (someone please chime in if I'm moving wrongly about this)
I am planning to buy some SAVVY aluminum double adjustable front uppers once the TJ sells, but in the meantime I picked up a set of unused Rough Country single-adjustables from marketplace for only $50. (they were in my neighborhood, so I decided NOT to pass up the deal)
So I plan to use the RC uppers for some very rough caster/pinion adjustment until the Savvy Arms are delivered, then I'll fine tune it the rest of the way.
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