When I was shopping for my jeep I wanted something pretty mild: a good run-around-town convertible that can handle forest roads and mild trails. But I fell for this beast on 35s, 6" spring + 1" body lift.
It drives nice up to around 50 and then there's cyclical driveline vibes. The rid is rather stiff with the 12" Bilstein 5100s and short arms. Guessing I'll need shorter shocks if I go to 4" springs.
Wheels are 10" wide, so I'll probably want new 8" rims. Might keep the 10s and 35s for trail-duty.
It has a drop pitman and track bar bracket that's welded on. I HOPE they'll still fit with 4" springs.
Or maybe I should do a rear stretch to get the driveshaft angle down. 9" should do it.
It drives nice up to around 50 and then there's cyclical driveline vibes. The rid is rather stiff with the 12" Bilstein 5100s and short arms. Guessing I'll need shorter shocks if I go to 4" springs.
Wheels are 10" wide, so I'll probably want new 8" rims. Might keep the 10s and 35s for trail-duty.
It has a drop pitman and track bar bracket that's welded on. I HOPE they'll still fit with 4" springs.
Or maybe I should do a rear stretch to get the driveshaft angle down. 9" should do it.