Paint companies like SEM offer mixing codes/formulas to match the interiors (and exteriors?) of certain TJ colors. But that can be a hassle, and is expensive, and isn't necessarily guaranteed to match between mixing locations anyway. Sometimes it's nice to know of an easily accessible option that just happens to be a near-perfect match for an OEM color.
So let's make a list. Here's what I know so far. Add some in the replies and we'll make it a resource.
So let's make a list. Here's what I know so far. Add some in the replies and we'll make it a resource.
- A few threads have shown that SEM 15173 (Camel) is a very close match for the "T6" interior color code of certain TJs.
- Another thread shows that SEM "Saddle Tan" is not a match.
- This thread claims that Rustoleum Steel is a near perfect match for Ravine wheels. Anyone tried it?
- SEM Landau Black is a forum-favorite for matching fender flares. See here.
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