Crankshaft Sensor Change Issue


New Member
Original poster
Aug 18, 2019
Boise, ID
I'm trying to replace the crankshaft position sensor on my TJ and can't seem to get the wiring connectors to snap together. I'm having the same issue with the old sensor now as well. The harness side plug is clean and doesn't have any visual issues.

I didn't want to force it and possibly break something, so I figured I'd ask, does anybody have any suggestions for what might be causing the connectors to not want to seat all the way?
Post some photos of the wiring side connector, maybe somebody can help. I can't think of any other reason it wouldn't go back in the old sensor.
Give either side a very quick/short spray with WD-40. The WD-40 won't cause any electrical problems.

I did that after the pictures were taken, and ran a tiny screwdriver around the weather seal to make sure it wasn't folded or bunched funny. It's less than an 1/8" from seating. I may just have to keep working at it until it does.
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I've gotten desperate and cranked connectors shut with c clamps and big pliers. I don't give you good odds but if you have to send it...well...

Worst case you smash it and butt splice or spade terminal it while you order a new connector.

Hey Emberglo, how did you solve the problem? I’m currently dealing with the same exact situation. I’ve tried a couple different methods but no luck.
I had this issue awhile back myself. I ended up using a file and filing the male end down enough to make it fit. I used a caliper to check and the old one was thinner than the new one I bought