The knob annoys me because it says Synergy. If it says anything at all, it needs to be directions for use. That alone is worth $37.
Don't tell me you don't have a bit of that body color paint still sitting around.
The knob annoys me because it says Synergy. If it says anything at all, it needs to be directions for use. That alone is worth $37.
Don't tell me you don't have a bit of that body color paint still sitting around.
Where should a 5lb fire extinguisher go? And how?
Can it fit around the corner of the seat, 90* from where it was, between the seat and door, or would that require a smaller bottle?
Smaller bottle
Let me guess, would also probably displace a maglite there.
To install highline fenders, the amps need to be moved from under the steering column...
View attachment 540961
View attachment 540949
To under the seat.
View attachment 540950
After throwing away Jerry's fire extinguisher mount, start by cutting up half of an ill fitting CavFab cowl armor panel for the new amp mount to replace the plywood.
View attachment 540951
View attachment 540952
Under the seat is a button for the carpet and a plastic clip for the seat belt sensor. The amp mount will be clearanced to fit around these.
View attachment 540956
Using the cutoffs as a template, mill out a pocket for the seat belt sensor clip.
View attachment 540953
When the router bushing is taller than the cowl armor template thickness, throw a handful of washers under the router to create room.
View attachment 540954
Measure and drill a big hole where the button is.
View attachment 540955
Test fit.
View attachment 540957
Remove the seat. Drill the mounting plate for mounting bolts and mark the tub for nutserts. Drill and tap the plate to fasten the amps.
View attachment 540958
Reinstall the seat.
View attachment 540959
And hide a day's worth of work under a flap of carpet.
View attachment 540960
More nice work.
2 questions:
1) I see the particle board spacer but it looks like you potentially have metal in continuity from the amp housings to the tub via the screws? If so, any feedback? I did that with my amp and powered sub in the same location. The sub power was way down and I had with feedback that varied with engine RPM. Using nylon screws and rubber grommets solved those issues for me.
2) Why 2 amps? I'm thinking one for woofers and tweeters and 1 for a sub?
edit. 1 more question: Why did the highlines require amps to move from under the column?
edit. 1 more question: Why did the highlines require amps to move from under the column?
Maglites are too large and are too strongly associated with cops.
1. That was a nice piece of MDO marine plywood. It isn't part of the underseat mounting.
2. This is what I came up with 9 years ago. I don't remember much of what little I knew about car audio at that time.
edit. Everything is affected by a highline install. And it doesn't always make sense!
I get it. If I’m going into a fight with my Streamlight, I’m pretty much getting my ass kicked….
I'm severely lacking in the tacticool costume jewelry department
Have you considered wearing a skirt? I hear people will leave you alone if you do.
I imagine a highline skirt would get me all kinds of attention.
Attention yes, interaction less likely.
Maglites are too large and are too strongly associated with cops.
Not a BBM kinda guy eh?