Buddies and I met up last weekend for our annual weekend adventure. We met this year and decided Drummond Island would be our destination. We've been before, and we'll go again. Its always a great time wheeling. Just enough technical stuff to keep it spicy and keep you engaged, its familiar and the rugged beauty of the island cannot be beat.
We spent 3 days wheelin, which was just about right. We did all the normal stuff (like Marble head, Tank traps, Fossil Ledges, Mu's Nemesis, Log Jam), spent a morning in the offroad park (its pretty small, but for 20 bucks, its a good time), and did some random trails that we just thought looked interesting. Had quite a bit of vehicle problems this time too, which is kind of unusual for this group. Only one of us trailered, so that was probably Murphy warning us for next time. One guy lost the centering ball in his DC rear shaft. That actually happened on the way up...thankfully he made it. There is a guy on the island that fixes stuff, and he built us a new driveshaft. One guy had all kinds of overheating issues, and we threw a couple parts at it to help him salvage the weekend. Turns out, He needs a new radiator, so he rode shotgun most of the last couple days. The final issue was the cherokee in our group lost his electric fan. You all know how how cherokees run...so that had to get fixed. Broken wire, so I dug through my trail repair electrical kit and got him a butt splice. Technically, it was a trail repair to get him home, but knowing the guy...that butt splice will be there forever. Glad I had a good heat shrink one for him! I had the only Jeep that wasn't disabled in any way, at any time (but I still have something going on in my front locker...its doesn't sound like its engaging all the time).
Some pics (and Vids!)
This is Conner's Hole or LogJam. Its about a 300 yard long water crossing. I've never seen it dry, but this is as much water as I've seen in the trail. My Jeep is pretty tall (like 19" or so to the belly skid) and the water was splashing my floorboards.
When we were playing in the offroad park, one of the guys got hung up pretty bad...
Some make-shift Cribbing and a little winch action...
We got him down without incident or injury (to us or the Jeep!)
Here is the aftermath Running over a Rock like that...This is the same jeep that we had to park because the radiator Popped. He had a rough weekend.
A random Cherokee picture...the lighting makes this thing look WAY better than it does in real life!
Out exploring the island. We found a new trail (to us, anyway). Had to do a little lumberjack work to get through. Not a very popular trail, I guess. It was a lot of fun though. Little saw action and some winching, we got the way clear
Another new trail, for us, was Tight Twisties. In the summer, this trail really grows in (the scrub brush) but we were early enough that it was pretty wide open. Another fun water adjacent trail. Not sure who is repsonsible for this sign, but it made me giggle...
This was just out cruising around, found a nice little spot to have lunch on the South side of the island (on the way the Cream City point)
More exploring, found this old truck near Warner's Cove
What do you do when you see a random stump in a wide open field? You poser flex!
This obstacle is callled cliff hanger, and its located in Turtle Ridge Offroad park. It looks much easier than it really is, since the rocks have very little traction here.
Had lots of fun this year and I'm really considering getting a vacation property here...I love it on the island. Cell phones barely work, and its like Mayberry...Everyone is Friendly and life just moves more slowly. Not a lot of gov interference either...You're kinda on your own. No police force on the island...so they (and the conservation officers) need to come across on the ferry like everyone else...so there is plenty of warning, LOL.
We spent 3 days wheelin, which was just about right. We did all the normal stuff (like Marble head, Tank traps, Fossil Ledges, Mu's Nemesis, Log Jam), spent a morning in the offroad park (its pretty small, but for 20 bucks, its a good time), and did some random trails that we just thought looked interesting. Had quite a bit of vehicle problems this time too, which is kind of unusual for this group. Only one of us trailered, so that was probably Murphy warning us for next time. One guy lost the centering ball in his DC rear shaft. That actually happened on the way up...thankfully he made it. There is a guy on the island that fixes stuff, and he built us a new driveshaft. One guy had all kinds of overheating issues, and we threw a couple parts at it to help him salvage the weekend. Turns out, He needs a new radiator, so he rode shotgun most of the last couple days. The final issue was the cherokee in our group lost his electric fan. You all know how how cherokees run...so that had to get fixed. Broken wire, so I dug through my trail repair electrical kit and got him a butt splice. Technically, it was a trail repair to get him home, but knowing the guy...that butt splice will be there forever. Glad I had a good heat shrink one for him! I had the only Jeep that wasn't disabled in any way, at any time (but I still have something going on in my front locker...its doesn't sound like its engaging all the time).
Some pics (and Vids!)
This is Conner's Hole or LogJam. Its about a 300 yard long water crossing. I've never seen it dry, but this is as much water as I've seen in the trail. My Jeep is pretty tall (like 19" or so to the belly skid) and the water was splashing my floorboards.
When we were playing in the offroad park, one of the guys got hung up pretty bad...
Some make-shift Cribbing and a little winch action...
We got him down without incident or injury (to us or the Jeep!)
Here is the aftermath Running over a Rock like that...This is the same jeep that we had to park because the radiator Popped. He had a rough weekend.
A random Cherokee picture...the lighting makes this thing look WAY better than it does in real life!
Out exploring the island. We found a new trail (to us, anyway). Had to do a little lumberjack work to get through. Not a very popular trail, I guess. It was a lot of fun though. Little saw action and some winching, we got the way clear
Another new trail, for us, was Tight Twisties. In the summer, this trail really grows in (the scrub brush) but we were early enough that it was pretty wide open. Another fun water adjacent trail. Not sure who is repsonsible for this sign, but it made me giggle...
More exploring, found this old truck near Warner's Cove
What do you do when you see a random stump in a wide open field? You poser flex!
This obstacle is callled cliff hanger, and its located in Turtle Ridge Offroad park. It looks much easier than it really is, since the rocks have very little traction here.
Had lots of fun this year and I'm really considering getting a vacation property here...I love it on the island. Cell phones barely work, and its like Mayberry...Everyone is Friendly and life just moves more slowly. Not a lot of gov interference either...You're kinda on your own. No police force on the island...so they (and the conservation officers) need to come across on the ferry like everyone else...so there is plenty of warning, LOL.
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