Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ engine mounts

Early 80's high school crew

Guess who got tickets to another band who had a pretty successful album in 1980.


John Cougar

born John Mellencamp, morphed into John Cougar then John Cougar Mellencamp then back from whence he came to plain old John Mellencamp, seems like he coulda saved himself a lot of trouble just staying put :LOL:, but damn did he write an early 80's anthem

The only performer of that time period I hated more than John Cougar Menstralcramp was "The Boss". To this day I can't turn the radio off quick enough if I hear the opening note to any of their songs... Just not my jam at all...

I was out of highschool in 81.. so my coming of age music was from 75 to 80 or so. I played guitar and sang in a high school band and we covered stuff like AC/DC, Deep Purple, Pat Travers and some early Styx stuff.... even some Black Flag and Clash. Just could never get into the super rich guys singing about strife in the towns they flew over.

Was a VH fan and a fan of the somewhat underground metal scene in the late 70's. I never made the transition to the over produced stuff of the bulk of the 80's. Celebrated that music was back when Grunge killed off most of the 80's stuff.
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John Cougar Menstralcramp
I busted out laughing when I read that. Shared it with the wife, who had the same reaction. Fits him perfectly! (y)
"The Boss"
I enjoy his music, but in the same way I enjoy some disco: rarely, and when there are no witnesses. It's his politics that destroy it for me.
I never made the transition to the over produced stuff of the bulk of the 80's. Celebrated that music was back when Grunge killed off most of the 80's stuff.
^^^This^^^ Grunge was and still is some of my favorite music, both for what it is, and what it did for the music world.
I busted out laughing when I read that. Shared it with the wife, who had the same reaction. Fits him perfectly! (y)

I enjoy his music, but in the same way I enjoy some disco: rarely, and when there are no witnesses. It's his politics that destroy it for me.

^^^This^^^ Grunge was and still is some of my favorite music, both for what it is, and what it did for the music world.

Give me Zamfir over the Boss... hell.. I'll take the K-Tel "funnies" record over him even if it's played backwards. Never liked the music (super simple stuff) nor his presentation. He could agree with me 100% on politics and it wouldn't change a thing. Just never got his popularity.
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Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ engine mounts