Front bumper bolt and nut grades: Grade 5?


Original poster
Aug 11, 2020
Does anyone know the grade of the stock (torx head) bumper bolt and the nut that is welded inside the frame rail?
I am guessing grade 5 but does anyone know for sure?


PS. I am mounting a raised winch plate (tomken) and need longer bolts (and nuts for one of the rails). The instructions for the warn XD9000i winch says to use grade 5 at 30-35 ft/lbs for mounting the winch, so I assume that grade 5 will be appropriate for the plate as well. And, while I don't have a torque spec for the plate, it seems similar winch plates call for 75-80 ft/lbs with the existing bumper bolts......which I think are likely grade 5 as well.
Does anyone know the grade of the stock (torx head) bumper bolt and the nut that is welded inside the frame rail?
I am guessing grade 5 but does anyone know for sure?


PS. I am mounting a raised winch plate (tomken) and need longer bolts (and nuts for one of the rails). The instructions for the warn XD9000i winch says to use grade 5 at 30-35 ft/lbs for mounting the winch, so I assume that grade 5 will be appropriate for the plate as well. And, while I don't have a torque spec for the plate, it seems similar winch plates call for 75-80 ft/lbs with the existing bumper bolts......which I think are likely grade 5 as well.

Well it’s no stronger than the weakest bolt in the assembly- But I can’t make any sense on not using grade 8-

I’m not the ultimate authority- @mr blaine does well on questions like that-
Well, I have been going down the winch mounting hardware "rabbit hole". For mounting the xd9000i winch to the winch plate, the Warn instruction manual calls out grade 5 bolts, but mentioned nothing about the square nuts needed for assembly. Square nuts are not easy to find, especially in grade 5!!!! So I contacted Warn customer services about getting the square nuts from them (part#98276), curious about the grade, I asked and was told they were Grade 2!!!!! What gives?!!!