I left my 05 4.0 TJ idling while I got out to close the shop gate and it died. No sputter it just quit. Cranks but no start. It’s been running like a top before this. Did the basic checks of fuel, spark and compression. I took the intake hose off and put some fuel in the throttle body and it fires right up. So I figure it’s a fuel issue. I switched out the fuse and relay and still no start. I removed the fuel line from the rail without having to depressurize the line. I cranked it over and no fuel came out of the line. Could there be anything else to check or is a new fuel pump in order. 114K on the odometer and I assume the pump is original. I’m too lazy to search the site but what is the recommended replacement? The thing that sucks is that the tank is full. I have a 4 day trip out in the Mojave starting on the 15th so I need to get her up and running ASAP.
I’ll add that there are no codes.
I’ll add that there are no codes.
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