Drivers side rear, unhooked the shock, top bottom
The top was a Pain in the butt 2 extensions and 1 universal
and that rubber-boot being in the way and i kept spinning my universal because i didnt get a proper seat of the socket and chasing the socket as it would fly off the universal and go zinging around that and my drop light wouldn't stay so I could see
so I did get a little smarter and used the flat light i bought at horror freight. with crap falling into my face, luckily I wear glasses
BUT there Tri-Focal so thats a Pain getting my head at the right angle to FRICKEN SEE , LUCKILY They anti seize'd the bolts so they did back right out
when i FINALLY got all the stars,Moon,and Sun in alignment
unhooked the control arm 0-10 on the curse meter = 0 --again anti-seize
unhooked the sway bar link curse meter = 0 bolts coated
Moved over to the Passenger side
Used a piece of electrical wire to hold down the shock boot, LOTS more Room got my lights in alignment and with the Socket
all nice and FLAT I tried to get the bolt out, NOPE just ratatat-tat shake and vibrate OMFrickenGod, and nightmares of having to drop the gas tank goes though my Peon of a Brain, Then thought of "Do I really want to wet rag the tank and try to heat the Bolt
with visions of blowing myself up
So then picking up the Hammer Drill and Evil Eying it I SEE just how STUPID I CAN GET
I had the Dam thing on TIGHTEN (so now i know its REALLY REALLY tight and NOT stripped out
clicked it to Loosen and wizzzzzbang came buzzin right out
again there was antiseize , getting Lucky here
removed the bottom bolt on the sway bar link
lifted with the jack, removed jack-stand and lowered the axle watching my break line, TONS of room
lifted the spring out and removed bumper then bolt and booster puck.cleaned everything replaced puck and NEW short Bolt
Did NOT use the New Bump Cap as mine looks like crap but thats what it is Crap stuck to the Fluid film.
Curse Meter = 0
jacked axle to ride height floor jacked it
Moved back over to drivers side
Dropped axle watching my Brake line left some wiggle room
crapola spring slightly loose but still on the lower mount
there was NO jacking up the other end as I tried it slightly and it put stress on the brake line
(maybe a bad pivot point?) with my jack stand
with a pickle fork, long screwdriver and a prybar alot of grunting swearing as it slid off my assortment of metal nightmares
along with the spring snapping sounds as it REFUSED to slide UP off the seat
I FINALLY got it half way off with the screw-ME- driver jammed on the seat and spring (maybe i SHOULD have used the spring clamps BUT you-all know how much i like those EVIL things
so saying some prayers I took my pickle fork and pry bar and edged it up onto the screwdriver SLOWLY at the tip of the screwdriver with the spring perched precariously I listened to the little birdy resting on my shoulder SCREAMING GO-FOR-IT
ZIIIIINGGGGGGGG CRASHHHHHHHH BANGGGGGGG OHSHEEEEEET--open eyes--still have fingers all 10 NO Blood anywhere
The spring now resting on the OLD removed parts pile-Like it knew where it BELONGED, The screw driver after hitting the plastic wheel well was behind me near the garage door, Looking up a said THANK YOU as it missed me
reflection-memory of my past, walking into a garage shop in yellystone as some idiot was just bringing down a sledge onto a pry bar UNDER a stuck SPLIT RING on a tire, I remember screaming STOP and turning my head and before i could duck
then waking up in an emergency room with a doctor telling me how LUCKY I was, 1/4 inch either way and I would have been "BRAIN Pudding" it hit me on the strongest part of the eye socket with a hairline fractured socket and 10 stitches later and I went back and worked there for the summer for a low wage and 1 return flight to maine YUP i was broke and traveling around LOL didnt believe in lawyers and wasn't sue-happy just Glad I was ALIVE
back to our scheduled program removed bump stop bolt and cup, reinstalled cup and bump stop
cleaned lower spring mount
upper sway bar bolt wouldent fit into the NEW sway bar so removed the other side and compared all four bolts with the two new sway bars 1 bolt would NOT fit in both of them on 1 end
swear meter =9 I still have the originals and they wont rust
slid in with NO slop all 4 bolts
installed lower bolts for shock adjusting my jack to get the bolt holes lined up
onto the FRICKEN sway bar tork Bolt
jiggle/adjust/wiggle/cargo strap/ and some choice curse words to the lady in black with 2 heels still left on
I get it lined up and slid the bolt in stuck the tork socket on it and started to tighten it down WHAT WHERES the fricken NUT
1/2 hr later I find it on one of the bracket removal bolts stick it onto my thin wrench and doing an old-fart contortion i slide the bolt in and i hear a tinkle tinkle as the FRICKEN bolt fall out of the wrench, Thank GOD I find it in the front of the mount-space for two fingers and wiggle it out along with dirt and small pebbles OMG
THREE trys Bang head on Jeep
That's an Hour ill NEVER get Back
Off to the bench clean bolt,clean wrench break out the electrical tape wrap bolt in newfangled blankie
easy-POUND wrench onto bolt, SMILE sit and relax as the pro-PAIN turbo heats the shop sip on my coffee and stare at my jeep and remember my dads advice "You can do anything if you put your mind to it" YUP even when riding life on the short buss as I laugh and giggle
Break over,Back on my knees (playing Doctor with the tweezers and bones — remember that game? buzzer and light you loose)
slide bolt in finger feel bolt hole FOUND IT spin bolt in (no buzzer no light No Choice swear words) tighten bolt with wrench
tap wrench holding nut and pull wrench out whew DONE