Has anyone dealt with Justice Offroad?


LJ Enthusiast, Retired USAF Weapons Loader
Supporting Member
Ride of the Month Winner
Sep 25, 2018
Sumter, SC
Never heard of them. Have you tried calling? I've found more often than not, people are more receptive to phone calls as oppose to emails.
No, I haven’t. I try to avoid phone conversations. I hate them. LOL

They responded the next day to my first email, but never again.
I’ve found that a number of places I’ve dealt with in the past few years don’t seem to respond to email at all, but when you pick up the phone and call, they answer immediately.

Might be worth giving them a call if you can get over the whole no phone call thing ;)
Generally speaking, the police around here don't bother you when you're off road as long as you're not making a nuisance of yourself......oh, wait......different Justice, my bad 😁

Seriously, being devoutly ADD, I know what you mean about phone calls - I muuuuch prefer email 'cause I can think out what I want to say/ask and don't end up feeling like forgot to ask 90% of my questions when I hang up the phone. Still, some companies are all about the good old-fashioned teleefone and, for those, consider writing down your questions on a sheet (or, like me, a spreadsheet) and tick them off as you talk. All questions checked off, OK to end conversation.
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