Having trouble removing power steering pulley


TJ Addict
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Supporting Member
Sep 19, 2022
Southern California
Hey everyone, hoping for some advice as I'm stumped.

My power steering pulley was squeaking so I attempted to remove it with a power steering pulley remover I got on loan from AutoZone.

The issue I'm having is that I cannot get the 2 collar halves around the groove in the pulley well enough to where the sleeve will fit over the 2 collar halves to hold it all together.

It seems like there's something simple I'm screwing up here, any tips are appreciated.



Do you have the outer collar turned backwards? The two sleeves that grip the pulley should be completely contained inside that collar compressing them onto the pulley…..also there is a fat lip and a small lip on the the sleeves make sure the sleeves are turned the correct direction. If the fat lip is grabbing the pulley and supposed to be the small lip side it won’t allow the collar to go over the sleeves.it does look like the sleeves are backwards.
Do you have the outer collar turned backwards? The two sleeves that grip the pulley should be completely contained inside that collar compressing them onto the pulley…..also there is a fat lip and a small lip on the the sleeves make sure the sleeves are turned the correct direction. If the fat lip is grabbing the pulley and supposed to be the small lip side it won’t allow the collar to go over the sleeves.it does look like the sleeves are backwards.

So the weird thing is when I flip the collars around they fit together quite easily around the pulley and the sleeve slides on no problem. The problem is the collars won't stay on the pulley facing this direction, I can pull the entire assembly right off the pulley.
So the weird thing is when I flip the collars around they fit together quite easily around the pulley and the sleeve slides on no problem. The problem is the collars won't stay on the pulley facing this direction, I can pull the entire assembly right off the pulley.

The collar does flip around for two different size pulleys check to make sure you have the same sides together and try that or get another tool
The collar does flip around for two different size pulleys check to make sure you have the same sides together and try that or get another tool

Yeah I've definitely played around with every combination and nothing has worked. I'll try getting a different brand from another store and give that a shot.
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I'm more interested in how you plan to install the new pulley with the pump installed.
Wouldn't removal and reinstallation of the pulley be far easier on a workbench?
New guy here so give me some slack, You said the pulley was squeaking, I'm just wondering what it is that's squeaking. I see it looks like its damaged in the 3rd picture. Are you installing a new one ?
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After watching this thread and reading about the effort you have invested into swapping the pulley, I’ve realized that IF there is squeaking coming from the power steering pump area, it is almost certainty NOT coming from the pulley itself… it is far more likely to be coming from the bearing/bushing on the shaft.

Rather than fight the pump assembly on our ‘03, I opted to replace the entire assembly with a unit from Rock Auto.
The cost is less than I expected and it comes with the pulley and reservoir attached.
I’m also replacing the tensioner pulley, idler pulley, and belt since I’ll have it off to replace the pump.
After watching this thread and reading about the effort you have invested into swapping the pulley, I’ve realized that IF there is squeaking coming from the power steering pump area, it is almost certainty NOT coming from the pulley itself… it is far more likely to be coming from the bearing/bushing on the shaft.

Rather than fight the pump assembly on our ‘03, I opted to replace the entire assembly with a unit from Rock Auto.
The cost is less than I expected and it comes with the pulley and reservoir attached.
I’m also replacing the tensioner pulley, idler pulley, and belt since I’ll have it off to replace the pump.

Yeah, I think you're probably right that it's not the pulley. Did you get a re-manufactured or new pump?
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Well I successfully removed the power steering pulley... By removing the pump as well haha. I gave up on removing the pulley after trying 3 different pullers none of which fit my pulley properly. 🤷

So I ordered a new pump and new hoses as well.

I noticed after removing my old hoses that only 1 of the 4 flared nipples had an o ring on it, and my new hoses didn't include any o rings. Does anyone know if an o ring on these is a necessity and if so, a source for the correct size.?

I'm about to pull mine apart soon.
I bought a belt & both pulleys to replace at the same time.
I didn't get new hoses as these didn't leak.

Regarding the O-ring, I would take the one you have to ACE hardware and just get new ones the same size, probably made of Viton or Kalrez.