If your TJ has a check engine light illuminated, below is the procedure for retrieving the diagnostic trouble code(s):
For an easier way to read error codes on your TJ, I highly suggest purchasing the Launch cReader OBDII scanner. I have one of these personally and absolutely love it. It's easily one of the most affordable, easy to use and intuitive OBDII scanners out there. It will also work on pretty much any vehicle as well.
- Turn the ignition key until the digital odometer displays, then turn it back to off. Repeat three times in succession. (ON/OFF/ON/OFF/ON)
- Count the number of times the check engine light on the dash flashes on and off. The number of flashes represents the trouble code. There is a slight pause between the flashes representing the first and second digits of the code. Longer pauses separate different trouble codes.
- For example, light flashes 5 times, then a short pause, then flashes 5 more times. This is code 55.
- Diagnostic trouble codes will also be shown in the odometer display.
- Code 55 is the last diagnostic trouble code displayed.
- See below for list of diagnostic trouble codes.
For an easier way to read error codes on your TJ, I highly suggest purchasing the Launch cReader OBDII scanner. I have one of these personally and absolutely love it. It's easily one of the most affordable, easy to use and intuitive OBDII scanners out there. It will also work on pretty much any vehicle as well.