Few more hours before the pork butt will be done

Weber Smoker/grill (charcoal) when I have the time….A Wally World special gas grill for the crunch times…gas for me is definitely simpler…but I swear it just seems to not hold the flavor like charcoal no matter how much I season…there’s also something cathartic about smoking foods and charcoal grilling for me….Weber Pic with most dangerous game pre-cook…had to lure it with milk and cookies
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Weber Smoker/grill (charcoal) when I have the time….A Wally World special gas grill for the crunch times…gas for me is definitely simpler…but I swear it just seems to not hold the flavor like charcoal no matter how much I season…there’s also something cathartic about smoking foods and charcoal grilling for me….Weber Pic with most dangerous game pre-cook…had to lure it with milk and cookies
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Just had pulled pork from my pellet grill. I smoked the pork butt low, and slow over night.
What has everyone been smoking?
I’ve cooked with charcoal in my younger days and swore by it, “you can’t get that sear and char flavor with gas” I would proclaim. Then as I got older and could afford one of those gas rigs I would swear it tasted just as good, I didn’t have to deal with the coals and ash, and instant on/off. Now that I’m older and have less time to stand around and mind the “Q”, I Traeger, it allows me to multi task. I don’t get the same “were you messing with your Jeep” questioning. Instead I get the “OMG that tastes so good and it’s so tender”. By the way my Traeger is kept in my shop so I can push it out the drive door, away from peering eyes, and let it do the work while I mess around with my Jeep.
A reminder to be careful with your grills
A reminder to be careful with your grills