TJ Enthusiast
I realize it’s my company and I can do what I want but that doesn’t give me the right to do the wrong thing.
Oh yes you do. The wrong thing is to allow the cancer to spread.
I have had quite a few businesses over the years. Buy them, build them, sell them. People are all the same.
Take a hard look at your company's employees. If you have built a company of loyal, positive and effective employees you are doing a great job. Negativity is so easy to spread, far easier than positivity. Get rid of the cancer.
In all of my businesses I always hired three people for one job and made them compete for the position and the cream rises to the task. Always be hiring and keep the best people and get rid of those who drag their feet.
I have had many thousands of employees. Human capital is the most time consuming and costly aspect of your business. The harm a disgruntled individual can do is mind boggling and it needs to be dealt with swiftly. You don't need to fire him, encourage him to seek green pastures withing the next 30 day. Fire his azz by lunch time if he starts spewing chit around the company after your conversation, your loyal employees will tell you.
There are effective ways of dealing with this to turn this into a very positive situation for yourself.