And they work, or I should say "it" worked, as I was in 2wd the whole time. Not last Saturday, but the one before, I did a trail called Montana Mountain. It has steep loose climbs, and the rear Truetrac made a huge difference.
I did this trail about 10 years ago, and it was noticably easier then, and I needed 4wd to climb some spots with a Traclok that was probably worn, and a front open diff. With the Truetracs, I purposely left it in 2wd, and climbed it with relative ease.
Ok, they aren't for the hardcore rock crawler, but they are light years ahead of open diffs for those that aren't typically lifting tires off of the ground, and the Jeep drives like it has open diffs on the street.
I did this trail about 10 years ago, and it was noticably easier then, and I needed 4wd to climb some spots with a Traclok that was probably worn, and a front open diff. With the Truetracs, I purposely left it in 2wd, and climbed it with relative ease.
Ok, they aren't for the hardcore rock crawler, but they are light years ahead of open diffs for those that aren't typically lifting tires off of the ground, and the Jeep drives like it has open diffs on the street.