Looks like there is a whole page responses got to you before i did.
I had a bit of rum tonight, so here is my pirate story tale of 7 seas:
Why dont more people do this?
Good question! I did not grow up with Jeeps, so i am a dufus with high IQ in this field, i think about something and then i pull a trigger.
As far as cars go, i came from retarded obsession with E36 BMWs as a kid, then i trashed few on the track before swallowing my pride and upgrading to E46, blew two engines, swapped to Subaru STI, had a blast and traded it for 2006 Wrangler.
Bam! New toy, 0 to 60 aske me in few days, 14 miles per gallon, what the fuck.
Thought i lost you? Nope, another sip, lets continue...
People are smart, yet are really dumb creatures, you would be amazed how much of our decisions are driven by confirmation bias. WHY? Kinds this days can depress and dissocialize themselves all they want, yet we are culture and society driven creatures.
Jeeeep commutiny says this - we go with this. Dumb, stupid, dont matter, english is myt third language anyway, thumbs up means thumbs up.
If anything, id say firearms is my thing and specialty. You would be amazed how much people dump $$$ on stupid shit, guns related, just to get community/forum approval... and then get their asses kicked by a kid with his Romanian AK47 at shooting range.
@Jerry Bransford - highly respected authority.
If only people knew how many times he edits this responses before i get to read them at 3 o'clock at night, red flag would be raised. Maybe he likes his rum late at night as well, guilty myself of re-editing my posts 10 times in the row, cant blame him.
Jerry says TT no bueno - average Jeepers says "coppy that top, TT no bueno!", even though Bueno is a really good candy bar, shame it took you Americans only 7 years to finally import and sell it in your gas stations.
Here is the thing about truetrac, as far as my experience goes - you could not pay me + parts + labor to switch to anything else, as far as what goes into my rear axle. If you really want it, send me another axle, i will drive it, and then bolt in back to my TT axle.
i am really happy and satisfied with my TT in the back! Does "!" means the same as it does in my native?
In 2014 i was teaching close protection courses outside of LA, Fuck Cali by the way.
Former student recently reached out to me recently, had a good success in the field, decided to make me a present as a gratitude.
Asked me for anything i wanted, i told him to get me anything TJ related. in August i get email notification that order for Dana 489 is placed, WITH A TRUE-TRAC in it, just as i specified.
Why? Cause i like my damn TT in the back!
I modify based on my needs. Started with stock 2006 Sport, and it went from there.
If i need it - i need it, If i don't, well mrblaine is around the corner ready to drop a set of rotors on my head, and call me a dumb fuck.
To put TT in the front -it is simply stupid. When i dont try, one of the front wheels is in the air, whether i try or not.
Rear? my rear stay put where i go. Key word - WHERE I GO!
If i screw up, well , i have Elocker in front for a reason.
I did not put slip eliminator out of restriction, for my needs, it is a necessity, i have 50% of US continent under my belt, and plan to offroad the fuck out of another half. I have a very simple view on where i go:
Can i get there in 2wd ?
-NO or YES
- YES or NO
4wd + traction assistance?
-YES or NO
IF it happens to be NO for all of it, i have Elocker in the front.
If it happens that front Elocker is useless to me :
1. should have not went there
2. in this situation better set of tires would have gotten me out of this situation.
3. better driving skills and planning ahead would have gotten me out of this situation
4. where ever the fuck am i going has nothing to do with why i offroad to begin with, who the fuck talked me into this?!
@TJRick some of this was a response to you, some of it was me simply typing as i go.