Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ radiator

Is this normal or do I have a caliper issue?


TJ Enthusiast
Original poster
Aug 1, 2023
Phoenix, Arizona
Hi y'all,

My 06 TJ under normal conditions drives just fine. My rotors are a little warped, but I'll be swapping them out along with the pads within the next couple weeks. Yesterday I had a scary experience on the highway when a RAV4 going very slow changed lanes and cut in front of me forcing me to hit the brakes hard. I do not have ABS, so instead of mashing them down I kept increasing pressure on the pedal until the tires started to squeal and then let off slightly.

The problem was, it seems like the driver's side tire locked up before the passenger side. I thought I'd have a little more brake pedal before lock up. I felt the back end get light and thought it was going to step out and send me into a spin. Luckily I didn't freak out and overcorrect because that would have definitely made me spin, but counter-steered very slightly and all was fine. (The RAV4 driver seemed completely oblivious to what had happened haha)

So anyways, my concern is that the left tire locked up before the right. The tires are in good shape, only a few thousand miles on them, and I replaced a lot of the suspension stuff (bushings, etc.) recently, so that's also in good shape, plus I'm bone stock with no lift or anything. This leads me to believe that my braking system could potentially have an issue? Or is it normal because of varying traction conditions that occasionally one side will lock up before the other? Under hard braking when the tires are not locked up, the Jeep does not pull in one direction, it brakes straight.

Do I have an issue here? I'm pretty sure my calipers are also original, and I have 180k miles about on the TJ.
No responses? Anyways, went out on an open road today and did a few panic stops. My left caliper is grabbing before the right ever so slightly. I'm going to just replace both.
Do I have an issue here? I'm pretty sure my calipers are also original, and I have 180k miles about on the TJ.

I think you answered your own question.
Anyways, went out on an open road today and did a few panic stops. My left caliper is grabbing before the right ever so slightly. I'm going to just replace both.

Good idea. If all original, you may also consider checking the rears as well. It would be a good idea to bleed them all through with new fluid, and consider the state of your flexible lines also.
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Good to inspect or just replace your hoses.

Good to flush out and replace brake fluid.

Issue might not be the one that grabbed first...that one might be working, the other might be dragging or locked up.

Check out for the best rotors and pads. @mrblaine has lots and lots of posts on these forums and can teach a master class on brakes.

Brake hoses deteriorate from the inside, even if they appear fine on the outside. You might try replacing all the brake hoses first before you get into the more expensive stuff.
Good to inspect or just replace your hoses.

Good to flush out and replace brake fluid.

Issue might not be the one that grabbed first...that one might be working, the other might be dragging or locked up.

Check out for the best rotors and pads. @mrblaine has lots and lots of posts on these forums and can teach a master class on brakes.

If he has a rotor that is in DTV, then nothing matters until that is fixed. He knows it, you know it and I know it. Expecting a deficient system to react normally is a fool's errand.

The problem is the rotor may be wobbling through the caliper and the heat level in that side may be higher or lower than the other side so brake response can be very different.
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try replacing all the brake hoses first before you get into the more expensive stuff.

You got any more stuff for that parts shotgun you wanna load up? How about we learn to diagnose the system first before we start blasting parts at it?

If you suspect a stuck or sticky piston versus an internally compromised brake flex hose, drive it until the problem presents itself and then diagnose. Jack up that side, turn the tire by hand to see if it is dragging, if so, remove the tire. At that point, crack the bleed screw. If the caliper releases, it is upstream. If it doesn't, the caliper is suspect. Before you buy anything, check the guide sleeves and dust bolt to ensure the caliper moves back and forth nicely.
So this is going to sound quite stupid but I'm in college and have gotten in trouble several times for working on my Jeep in the parking garage. I'm afraid they are just going to tow me if they catch me again, so it's not even really feasible for me to jack the Jeep up or even go underneath it. They've got eyes on me, lmao. Rent is already insane in a college town and I'm scared of getting fined. I'm heading back home for the winter in a couple weeks which is why I'd rather just order parts and solve it there at home.

Not ideal but unfortunately I guess I'll be loading up the parts cannon. Calipers and hoses seem pretty cheap though so I might as well.
So this is going to sound quite stupid but I'm in college and have gotten in trouble several times for working on my Jeep in the parking garage. I'm afraid they are just going to tow me if they catch me again, so it's not even really feasible for me to jack the Jeep up or even go underneath it. They've got eyes on me, lmao. Rent is already insane in a college town and I'm scared of getting fined. I'm heading back home for the winter in a couple weeks which is why I'd rather just order parts and solve it there at home.

Not ideal but unfortunately I guess I'll be loading up the parts cannon. Calipers and hoses seem pretty cheap though so I might as well.

Go behind an Oriley auto parts to do it,they don’t care.
I'm in the Phoenix area but honestly I've decided I'm heading back to my parent's place in a few days just to get everything sorted before the holidays and spend some time with them too, so I'll have a place to work in :)
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Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ radiator