Ivy Branch, H&M trails in WV


I'm a new world samurai, and a redneck nonetheless
Original poster
Supporting Member
Ride of the Month Winner
Sep 28, 2018
Memphis, TN
Probably not the smartest decision ever with Hurricane Helene coming but I made a last minute decision to go up to West Virginia to wheel at their Ivy Branch trails. I am happy that I did it, but it was rainy, wet and muddy.

Trails are worthy of checking out, but definitely do it when it is a little drier. Arrived Friday afternoon in the rain and we headed out and wheeled to about 10pm. Here is some pics of my buddy wheeling his 2dr JL. As you can see the trails are technical and tight.




Saturday morning we headed out and the first hard trail we ran, one of the guys in a 4 seat razor sliced three tire sidewalls on the same obstacle. Apparently I am the only one who had plugs, air, and even a tire slug. I have been carrying the tire slug with me for some time but never used one before, it actually works very well.


Short video on one of the trails we ran Saturday. We ended up running trails from approx 10am to about 11pm, it was a long day with a lot of wheeling, wrenching, and winching!
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Oh man! Was going to post a trail review of ivy branch! Me and some buddies were just there this weekend. What a great time, these trails were awesome and did not disappoint and definitely pushed my Jeep to the limits. I wonder if we saw each other in the parking lot on Sunday? We wheeled all day Saturday and Sunday til probably 4 or so.









Yeah, we saw you in parking lot on Saturday in the morning and also when you all were loaded up in the afternoon. I remember the jeeps from the pics. We had my red TJ, a yellow JL, 2 seat RZR, 4 seat RZR, and a rock bouncer in our group and we knew the SXS group staying in the cabins at the trailhead and stopped there to talk with them when we saw your group.
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Yeah, we saw you in parking lot on Saturday in the morning and also when you all were loaded up in the afternoon. I remember the jeeps from the pics. We had my red TJ, a yellow JL, 2 seat RZR, 4 seat RZR, and a rock bouncer in our group and we knew the SXS group staying in the cabins at the trailhead and stopped there to talk with them when we saw your group.

I think I remember seeing your red Jeep When y’all came back in on saturday. We walked the waterfall trail but decided against it. Sunday was really wet and got muddy fast. This pic was toward the top of one of them where momentum was the only thing that’ll get you up the switch back section. It did work for me, turned sideways, and was close to rolling down the mountain. Had to winch the rest of the section. Can’t remember what trail it was, but I think it was 92.

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Glad to see others out wheeling! That weekend was probably not the best weekend to be out there with all the rain, and we just were on the fringes of the massive rainfall and flooding. My wife's family is in East TN and damn it is bad.

I just checked my onx and we didn't do 92. The trail down past the waterfall trail starts off with a vnotch and was a fun trail, I think it was trail 94.

The waterfall trail 93, my buddy in the rock bouncer walked right up the waterfall first try, the JL had to pull cable just to hold his front end down but actually climbed it. I decided to not give it a go but walked the trail and it gets much harder after that waterfall so I made the right choice.
My hometown is relatively close to that area. I’ve never had my Jeep on the trails, but I’ve been there several times on ATV’s and it’s a blast with miles and miles of trails. Best trip was two days and nights of riding with a pretty decent snow storm going on.

Good to see pics from there.
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