Alright I’m ready to lose my mind reading threads that never get answered lol. I’m going to be turboing my 04 SE 2.4 after I found it it’s the same motor in the Neon SRT4. This will be somewhat of a build thread and somewhat of a question thread. I’ve already bought a exhaust and intake manifold, injectors and fuel enrichment piggyback system. I’m also going to do a rebuild on the motor with HOPEFULLY SRT4 internals(hoping someone can answer if that’s doable or been done?). Also plan to put in a nv3550 tranny(does anyone rebuild these to handle more than the rated 300ft/lbs?) not long after I do the motor work, and possibly Dana 44s if I can find them or atleast a super 35. So here’s my Jeep Brad in all his glory, and here’s to a college kid staying broke because of him