Has anyone asked Russ about this? If I remember correctly, all 3 of you (Jezza, Skyline & RickyD) are running, or have run, a cam from him.
To be clear, this is my first nitrided cam, and first cam ordered from Russ, and I have no idea what's causing my metallic sheen in the oil.
The nitrided cams are eating lobes?
One reason i went with a milder cam and nitriding was in hopes of avoiding flat tappet woes
See above and I hope the same.
If this is an ongoing, repeating issue, have you checked for other causes, like stuck lifters and out-of-round lifter bores?
The previous dead cams were on previous motors and cams including the stock cam. Current build with parts from Russ is still running strong, but I have some kind of maybe valve train noise and a sheen in the oil. Unsure what the exact issue is.
I may be wrong, but I believe any warping occurs during the nitriding process, and the cams are straightened to a spec afterward. Since the cams shouldn't be reaching anything near that temp inside an engine, any warping issues should be present out of the box.