I've been running a Currie Currectlync on my LJR for a couple years now on 37's and its been great, but I've recently got a G2 Core 44 front and Currie 60 rear and stepped up to 40's. My Problem is I bought a PSC kit and ran it last year but I've been unable to use the ram which is something I want to install this year with the bigger tires. I was looking at switching to to RPM's TJ steering kit (Crossover) but I've been going through the forums and I've been seeing a lot of bad news about cross over steering TJ's. It tends to be about 35's which is why I'm creating this thread because I wanted to know from the TJ experts Mr.Blaine and Jerry Bransford what they're thoughts are.
I don't daily this jeep but I do drive it around town on nice days and sometimes I'll take it to work. I need to replace my trackbar so I planned on doing a raised trackbar to match the new drag link angle of the RPM kit
I don't daily this jeep but I do drive it around town on nice days and sometimes I'll take it to work. I need to replace my trackbar so I planned on doing a raised trackbar to match the new drag link angle of the RPM kit