Saturday thrashings:
The OEM radiator finally shit the bed last week after 18 years in the surface-of-the-sun heat of South Florida. Surprised it lasted this long — regular flushings and TLC always helps extend the life.
A flawless install from beginning to end — guaranteed my first without SOME issue. None. Dropped in like a glove — perfect fit. Mount holes plus the holes for the fan shroud, perfectly lined up. Brass petcock. New hoses top and bottom.
Installed a Stant 45209 Superstat last year after a flush — manufacturer assured the 195°. Valvoline ZEREX 50/50 coolant.
My son-in-law has had two Champions for years — his CJ and '48 Ford pickup - zero issues.
'06 TJ 2.4L - Champion 2-Row -
The OEM radiator finally shit the bed last week after 18 years in the surface-of-the-sun heat of South Florida. Surprised it lasted this long — regular flushings and TLC always helps extend the life.
A flawless install from beginning to end — guaranteed my first without SOME issue. None. Dropped in like a glove — perfect fit. Mount holes plus the holes for the fan shroud, perfectly lined up. Brass petcock. New hoses top and bottom.
Installed a Stant 45209 Superstat last year after a flush — manufacturer assured the 195°. Valvoline ZEREX 50/50 coolant.
My son-in-law has had two Champions for years — his CJ and '48 Ford pickup - zero issues.
'06 TJ 2.4L - Champion 2-Row -