Glad you had a similar experience with the conversion. It's a job that I never would have embarked on had the transmission not shit the bed, but now that it's done, it's great. The NV 3550 had aged over time and candidly, I had no idea how bad it had gotten.. Never drove the TJ when it was new.
The 5% discount was instituted the week after I made my purchase so I wasn't able to take advantage of it.
The only fabrication I needed to do was to clearance the transfer case shifter cable bracket. I knew this in advance.
Nothing to do with the transmission conversion, but I went through three clutch master/slaves before finding one that wouldn't squeak and creak with every press of the clutch. Ultimately it was a LUK kit 5130107100.
I am finding it shifts feel great and overall the transmission is far quieter than the NV3550 with one exception. I have a high pitched whine, akin to a dentists drill, right at 2500 rpm when floating the throttle. If it persists, I suspect it is going to be more annoying once doors are off..
Are you hearing something similar? What gear lube did you use? I used Royal Purple SynchorMesh.