Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ engine mounts

P0016 and P0344 codes

cormorant tail kite

TJ Enthusiast
Original poster
Aug 31, 2019
Was having acceleration bucking intermittent every few weeks and indicator light finally came on for me to get codes checked at auto store and 0016 and 0344both came up.

I changed the OPDA (2 years ago) due to a little noise in OPDA, gear wasn't bad at all, did not put original OEM pigtail back on, used new one. I have read now this can cause issues.
Not sure where to start. Shall I switch the pigtail only or do you think I should take OPDA off and look inside? Not having any noise now. Anything else I should do or look into? I looked at all of the wires for the crankshaft sensor and camshaft sensor and none are frayed, all look great. Will spray with some contact cleaner. When I do that, do I take apart the plastic harness connections? Sometimes they can be a pain to unhook.
Also, just to be sure I was looking at right sensor, where is the crankshaft position sensor?
And the pigtail on the OPDA, that's the camshaft position sensor?
Thank you for any ideas
Did you clear the codes after replacing the opda? Once cleared, does it return? I had to reset the PCM to get mine to go away.

If you inspected the O2 wiring and it looks good, recommend replacing all of them if it’s been 75-100K since last replacement.
Did you clear the codes after replacing the opda? Once cleared, does it return? I had to reset the PCM to get mine to go away.

If you inspected the O2 wiring and it looks good, recommend replacing all of them if it’s been 75-100K since last replacement.

When I replaced the OPDA 2 years ago there were no codes then.
Now... when it bucks and the indicator light comes on, I unplug battery and it is then fine until it decides to do it again. Which could be a day or a week
OPDA is Camshaft. Your crankshaft will read off of the flywheel/flex plate, which depends on engine and year. P304 is probably a separate issue (spark, injector, shorted injector harness behind valve cover, etc.)
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ engine mounts