Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ engine mounts

Painting Tub Chili Pepper Red Pearl


New Member
Original poster
Feb 3, 2022
Rochester, NY / Bar Harbor, ME
Right now I'm planning on replacing the tub on my 98 TJ. The current tub is completely gone, with the torque boxes being basically non-existent. I've been able to find a couple rust free tubs around me, the only issue is that I can't find any in the PEA/Chili Pepper Red Pearl color(the current color). I would only be replacing and painting the tub as I've already done the fenders, and the hood is fine. Any ideas on if this would be something I could do on my own (I know I can do the tub swap just not sure about the paint.) Side note, anyone have any idea how many TJ's were made in this color?
Mine is a 2000 which is PEA but listed as unreleased paint color for this year. I also have a 98 in PEA that I purchased a few years ago for the doors and to part out to pay for other upgrades. Atlanta though. Wish closer. May work for you. Good Luck
Assuming you were able to do a good paint job on the tub, it would still be tough to get a good match to fenders and hood. Probably best to repaint everything together at the same time.
If you’re asking if you’re able to give it a good paint job, you can’t.
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Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ engine mounts