Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ engine mounts

Parking Brake Warning Light


New Member
Original poster
Apr 5, 2021
Portland, OR
The Parking Brake Warning Light on my 2005 TJ, 6 speed manual, 4.0L, does not illuminate when the parking brake is engaged. I've scoured this forum and can't find a similar problem/fix. Here's what I have:
1. With the ignition switch turned on, the BRAKE light on the dash goes on and stays on for several seconds. No beeps.
2. The parking brake position sensor switch under the console works fine. Changes from ground to open appropriately.
3. The grey/black wire between the switch and the two wire connector on the master cylinder shows good continuity, 0.3 ohms in the wire only.
4. With the grey/black wire connected to the position sensor switch and the switch closed (grounded), I read 25 ohms to ground at the master cylinder end (I grounded my meter to the battery ground). The connection at the switch is clean and corrosion free.
5. The second wire green/white, at the master cylinder connector always shows 5.6 volts with the ignition switch off, accessory, or start positions.

I'm not sure what's going on here. I noticed a Brake Warning Light Switch in the schematic, could this be the problem? Why if the grey/black wire is solid, does it read ground at the switch end and 25 ohms at the MC connector end? And, shouldn't the green white wire have 12v?

I appreciate the help I've received from this forum in the past, there's no better source for useful info. Any help with this one would be appreciated. Thanks!
Another question. Can I short the two wires (grey/black and green/white) at the connector end to the master cylinder to see if the warning light illuminates?
You should be able to take a close look at that plug - it is a little bit if I see the way it plugs in-
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Fixed! I made the false assumption that the ground screw on the switch was actually grounded. I'm guessing the surface rust and dirt on the brake lever assembly caused the ground screw on the switch to loose contact with the chassis ground. I ran a separate wire with ring lugs to another screw under the console and it now works. With the parking brake applied, the BRAKE light on the dash lights as it should! Thanks Andy for your reply, I cleaned up the plug you noted since I had it out anyway.
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Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ engine mounts