Radiator Replacement


TJ Enthusiast
Original poster
Supporting Member
Sep 21, 2020
Atlanta, GA
Replaced mine today with a Denso. Fit like a glove. It came with a host of fittings for the tranny lines but I used my my originals which also fit perfectly. If you haven’t done it before, the bottom 2 bolts on each side of the radiator don’t need to be completely removed, Just loosened enough to slide up the old radiator and slide in the new one. The radiator will then rest on those while you get the others started You can see the slots in the pic.

Best tip I found was on an Amazon review. It said to insert and remove the fan shroud bolts before installing the radiator. Good advice. They would have been difficult to do in the tight spaces.

Also changed the belt and hoses while i was at it and flushed the system. Repaired a leaky tranny line that I didn’t know I had too. Used a couple of 3/8 inch compression to hose barb fittings.

If you haven’t purchased a geared ratchet and wrenches go for it. It made the job easier

Also don’t buy the Denso at Napa. $345 there vs $150 on Amazon.

Obligatory pics:



Almost forgot. Remove the breakaway flap if you have a/c.
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