Reoccurring brake light on dash


New Member
Jan 23, 2020
Fort Myers
On my dash I’ve had a brake light come on every once in awhile since I bought it. The light will come on randomly and flash making it’s annoying *beep at me until I stop the car. The break light is very random and seems to come on periodically. Once in awhile it will flash on and off randomly and o seem to have no control over it, but punching the break pedal a couple of times seems to turn it on/off occasionally. Side note: my car seems to pull one direction when I break, may not actually be from the brake light but I thought I’d mention it. The light used to be very infrequent, but as I’ve had it it’s become an event every time I drive it.

There is a little plug up there on the proportioning valve need to check and make sure it's secure and if you're getting some brake pull you might have a proportioning valve issue.... It is trying to tell you because that's where that light gets activated I think ... If I've got my parts correct.

I'm not the resident brake guru so I may be totally off base but I know the emergency brake light is also somehow connected to that ....and the fact that you're getting pull leads me to think that the proportioning valve might have issues or there is trash in the system.

A good brake flush is a good idea generally...and please take what I say with a grain of salt ... I'm just trying to help with what little I know.