Last year I installed a stubby antenna.
It worked ok, but with less reception range than the OEM.
However, it also didn't rattle/spring back and forth when something nudged it.
It also broke when I was changing my heater core and accidentally swung my passenger door open all the way...
I replaced it with the OEM.
In the summer, I'm thinking about getting one of those CB/radio antennas, and mounting it in the rear next to my CB antenna - hoping to get decent range, but no annoyance from hitting it.
Either that, or a stubby again.
Note: the stubby wasn't "bad", it's just that the range wasn't as great as the OEM. That wasn't a big deal within the city, where I spend 95% of my time.
When on the highway where the radio range would be affected - I just used my bluetooth music player anyway.