I’m in a similar boat. Moved from Idaho which doesn’t use too much salt to New Hampshire which uses a ton. I’ve just done my absolute best every spring and fall to repaint any areas that have the rock chip surface rust. This is the only winter I plan on having to drive my jeep in the salt but need it to last this winter as I just started a new career and don’t have the ability to not drive the jeep. I don’t have any real rust as of now so I am hoping with the well covered paint and washings when I do drive it will at least be minimal rust to where I can clean it up come spring time. I don’t want to do any oil under coatings since it will be harder to remove that stuff to sand and repaint come spring time. Will be curious to see others ideas.
If’n I was gonna daily my jeep in NH then I’d invest in a heavy coat of NHOU. New Hampshire Oil Undercoating. It’s made for the job. I’m sure you can find someone close to do it for you. I use it on Luci’s YJ because she wants to drive it and it’s hers, and on my F-250.