Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ engine mounts

Rust Repair


TJ Enthusiast
Original poster
Supporting Member
Aug 31, 2021
British Columbia, Canada
Hey guys, so I wanted to upgrade my suspension (was thinking of the H&R + Rancho combo) but as I took a closer look I've now realized that that my rear upper coil spring mounts on both sides are pretty rusted. When I boutht the jeep a few years ago, the first thing I looked for was rust (thanks to the tips from this forum) All of the usual culprits for frame rust looked fine, lower control arm mounts, frame rails etc. I even had a mechanic double check for me (its my first vehicle and I was just beginning the process of learning about cars and jeeps in particular later in life than most) the mechanic also assured me that the frame was solid, it may be worth noting that we're in Canada and rust is more commonplace than some of you lucky ones down south. I didn't think to check behind the tires on the spring mounts. I have also now discovered 1 body mount (driver's side, rear) that is also pretty rusted, how this one was missed I do not know...the other body mounts are in perfect order, which seems odd. I know that a few companies do sell the replacement sections that can be welded on after grinding/cutting out the rusted sections (Safe-T-Caps, Pocono metal works and a few others I have seen as well).

I thought I'd post here to get some opinions. I've read many of the threads here on rust issues but was hoping some of you might have specific suggestions on what/where to do the work and how soon it should be done.

I love this jeep and it is otherwise in excellent condition. It took more than a year of looking every day to find one in this condition up here. I'd hate to just write it off at this point.

My questions are -
How bad does it look? Is it as necessary as I think it is?...which is you should replace this NOW...
Is it advisable (or cheaper) to seek out a welder or metal fabrication shop to do the work opposed to a resto shop?

Thanks for any thoughts or advice you might have
Here are the best pictures I could get with the wheels on...






The last pic is the most worrisome in my opinion. That's the torque box (part of the tub) that has rotted. I'm not knowledgeable on what's involved in repairing that, but others will chime in I'm sure.
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ engine mounts