Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ radiator

Savvy off-road sold? (the unofficial Savvy customer support and Savvy rant thread)

I too received a similar size box chock full of various sizes of Savvy stickers today. Unfortunately it appears all are all black. So for those who want them they're not going to be a good choice for darker colors.

I‘ll take a couple off your hands.
I received a box chock full of various sizes of Savvy stickers today. Unfortunately it appears all are all black. So for those who want them they're not going to be a good choice for darker colors. For those where black will work send me your aflddresses and I'll send them out asap.

PM sent

I received a box chock full of various sizes of Savvy stickers today. Unfortunately it appears all are all black. So for those who want them they're not going to be a good choice for darker colors. For those where black will work send me your aflddresses and I'll send them out asap.

I am going to be putting up 2 sets of Savvy tail lights for sale tomorrow. One in black, one in silver and at good prices. The buyers would be thrilled to have stickers to go with. I will share your generous offer on my sale thread ..
I am going to be putting up 2 sets of Savvy tail lights for sale tomorrow. One in black, one in silver and at good prices. The buyers would be thrilled to have stickers to go with. I will share your generous offer on my sale thread ..

That’s awesome, Sri. Those are the best TJ taillights ever!



I received a box chock full of various sizes of Savvy stickers today. Unfortunately it appears all are all black. So for those who want them they're not going to be a good choice for darker colors. For those where black will work send me your aflddresses and I'll send them out asap.

Yes please. PM sent.
I am going to be putting up 2 sets of Savvy tail lights for sale tomorrow. One in black, one in silver and at good prices. The buyers would be thrilled to have stickers to go with. I will share your generous offer on my sale thread ..
I'm keeping the Savvy decal availability on a low-key thing, I didn't receive that many decals. I have already put half of them into envelopes to be mailed out Monday.
I received a box chock full of various sizes of Savvy stickers today. Unfortunately it appears all are all black. So for those who want them they're not going to be a good choice for darker colors. For those where black will work send me your aflddresses and I'll send them out asap.

Edit: Please be sure to include your real name for the envelope!!

You may want to let them know that there are some windshield banners in the box.
Ok the last of the mid-size 7" decals just went out in today's mail with 18-19 envelopes. All I have left are the smaller 5" decals which I still have a lot of, in addition to a half-dozen large center windshield decals. I put one pair each of 5" & 7" decals in most of today's mailing.

The larger center windshield size decals will go out to those who want them when I get some slightly larger envelopes, I didn't want to fold them to fit into a standard #10 envelope. However they are black so I don't believe they'll show up well on a windshield. In fact all of the decals I received were black. For those who want windshield decals just realize the black ones I have won't show up well but they're better than nothing.


P.S. This is the black windshield banner, I only received 9 of them. It'll probably be the weekend before I'll have time to get some slightly larger envelopes for them.

Haven’t opened it. Something Gerald sent me that no one is interested in, so it’s not even Savvy decals. 🤣

Whole post was tongue in cheek.

65 pages of nonsense.
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ radiator