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@Fulton_Hogan, I don't know if you want to offer it to others, but I'm still enjoying the stereo mount you made for me.

I'm sorry, I thought I commented on this when you first said it but I guess I missed hitting "Post" when I was done. I greatly appreciate you taking time to give the feedback. Thanks again!

I think I may have the aluminum for (maybe) one mount, but with work and travel for work, my free time is way too tight.

Until I get a little more free to offer builds, I might need to let the thread on it stand as its own "how-to".
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I have a CR-10 and a small army of Ender 3s if anyone needs something printed / prototyped feel free to PM me. I'm not much of a CAD / modeling guy but I enjoy tinkering with the hardware.
This is a fantastic idea for a thread! I am definitely watching this one. I have been designing and building industrial 3D printers for over 10 years now and love to see them getting more mainstream use and inspiring creativity!! If anyone has an idea they need designed and don't have the abilities LMK. I like a good challenge. And thanks to all those that have shared so far!
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Here are some spacer rings for the late model speaker pods. Useful to get a secure fit if you are installing 6.5" speakers that will sit raised instead of flush. The outer edge of the ring has a slope to match the contour of the pod.

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Here is a wedge to assist mounting a BLAM 20mm TS20 tweeter to the a-pillar. The angle of the wedge is perfect for the BLAM to sit flush.

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This is a fantastic idea for a thread! I am definitely watching this one. I have been designing and building industrial 3D printers for over 10 years now and love to see them getting more mainstream use and inspiring creativity!! If anyone has an idea they need designed and don't have the abilities LMK. I like a good challenge. And thanks to all those that have shared so far!

How difficult would it be to do a turn signal switch early Gm type. Could this be done on a 3d printer or would moulding it be better for a one off part. How ,any hours would be involved?
That part can be modeled and printed however the weakness in 3D printing is the adhesion between layers. When you have thin area, such as this part, it will be weak and fairly easily broken due to the layers. Sometimes you can orientate a part to help with that but I am not sure with this part it will be possible. A factor is how much stress the thinner areas are under during usage.

What is also possible is to 3D print the part and use that to make a mold to pour resin or something else into,

Does anyone know of 3D printing the bushing/washer that breaks on the front seats of our TJ's? Both my seats wobble like crazy
That's what pretty much all the "replacement" versions you see out there are. I don't think they hold up very well.

I've seen 3D printed engine mounts (for a different vehicle, not Jeeps) made using TPU. It is tough and chemical resistant. Perhaps the versions you are referring to were using the wrong type of plastic? Or are these parts under a lot of stress?
