Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ engine mounts

Steering issues!

Stella The TJ

New Member
Original poster
Apr 17, 2022
Shelby Township Michigan
Just looking for some opinions because I feel like I'm running out of options. I have a 2002 Jeep TJ X with a old man emu 2.5 lift. JKS front and rear adjustable track bars.

Installed Rock Jock Curry Currectlync Steering and started having steering issues. Everything replaced thus far is

Currie Steering

Both front wheel bearings

Both front u joints

Upper and lower ball joints both sides

Steering stabilizer replaced with the rancho recommended by Currie

BDS adjustable lower control arms.

JKS track bar bushings have been rebuilt.

JKS sway link bushings have been rebuilt

Have tried rotating tires also have them at proper pressure.

New redhead steering gear.

I have tried toe in 1/16

Toe in 1/8

Toe out 1/16

Caster is set at 5°

Everything else looks good on the alignment. All of the new parts have at least 500 mi on them mostly off-roading in the mountains and I was told that they are broken in and not tight on the rack.

What I'm experiencing is that anything over 40 and the Jeep has to be constantly corrected to go straight. You constantly have to make micro adjustments and at times it feels dangerous as you start to get into a rhythm. I currently have it in a shop that specializes in lifted Jeeps and alignments. He said I already did everything he would have thought of doing. He did mention that with the steering disconnected from the pitman arm it feels pretty tight still. I got authorization from redhead to back the adjustment screw off a half a turn and authorized him to do that. He said it made absolutely no difference that it still felt tight and that it is probably resulting in a point and shoot steering where the Jeep just points and doesn't return to center on the highway. Right now I'm having him disconnect the steering gear from the steering shaft to see if it's still tight after he disconnects the gear. If it's the gear that's tight red head has already authorized a warranty return. I've got quite a bit of money into this and all I wanted to do is upgrade the steering for a trip to Windrock. After talking with Currie today they said I could go as high as eight for Caster and it shouldn't affect my driveline.... They said that the factory spec was six or seven +/- one... I'm starting to run out of ideas! Its even stumped the guy that specializes in this. I need a favor from the Jeep gods on this one! Can somebody fly me out Jerry Bransford?




I'd start by increasing your caster to the point where you start to get driveline vibes, then back off enough to get rid of those vibes.
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Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler TJ engine mounts