Subwoofer issues


New Member
Original poster
Aug 6, 2024
Hello once again, out there in jeep land. I just wanted to pick your brains a bit lol. So I just installed all new speakers, including the factory sub, and added a boss b12es sub, and amp combo. I got everything in I hadn’t gotten everything dialed in yet, but it was starting to sounding good but after driving it about 10 feet all the bass speakers from both the factory sub replacement ( that I thought was running on the factory amp) , and the new amp sub combo. I’ve checked all the fuses they all seem good. I’m getting power to the amp but the light doesn’t come on and in my mind that the amp sub combo should be working I could understand it if just the combo stopped working then I’d just think I got a shizzy unit and send it back. But that doesn’t tell me why the factory amp isn’t powering that sub. So I’m thinking that it has to be something with the jeep that I’m missing. Thanks again for any help. Also it’s a 04 tj
Hello once again, out there in jeep land. I just wanted to pick your brains a bit lol. So I just installed all new speakers, including the factory sub, and added a boss b12es sub, and amp combo. I got everything in I hadn’t gotten everything dialed in yet, but it was starting to sounding good but after driving it about 10 feet all the bass speakers from both the factory sub replacement ( that I thought was running on the factory amp) , and the new amp sub combo. I’ve checked all the fuses they all seem good. I’m getting power to the amp but the light doesn’t come on and in my mind that the amp sub combo should be working I could understand it if just the combo stopped working then I’d just think I got a shizzy unit and send it back. But that doesn’t tell me why the factory amp isn’t powering that sub. So I’m thinking that it has to be something with the jeep that I’m missing. Thanks again for any help. Also it’s a 04 tj

Sorry my mind got a head of me but I meant to say I drove 10 feet and both amp/ speakers cut out. The 2 front ,and back speakers are still working I’m kinda leaning towards something with my remote start wire. But don’t really have a clue lol
So the front dash speakers and the soundbar speakers are working but your AMP isn't turning on which is why the sub woofer isn't working?

When you turn the head unit on make sure your amp is getting power. Don't quote me on this but i believe the subwoofer amp only powers the subwoofer. I think the dash and soundbar speakers are powered directly by the head unit.

Can someone confirm who knows? Just throwing out ideas.
So the front dash speakers and the soundbar speakers are working but your AMP isn't turning on which is why the sub woofer isn't working?

When you turn the head unit on make sure your amp is getting power. Don't quote me on this but i believe the subwoofer amp only powers the subwoofer. I think the dash and soundbar speakers are powered directly by the head unit.

Can someone confirm who knows? Just throwing out ideas.

Thanks ya the amps aren’t turning on. I’m going to try pulling the console and unplugging the factory amp to see if that fixes the the problem for the aftermarket amp and sub combo because it’s getting power but won’t turn on.
If he has a 5 channel amp (combo as he calls it) the four speakers receive power from the amp. The 5th powers the non powered sub.

Where I get lost is he has the factory powered sub and an additional sub...I don't know how he is powering both given one is already powered.
There are typically 2 places for +12V connections on an amp; the larger, main power (fused-power from the battery), and another much smaller wire (often blue) which is the +12V trigger signal from the head unit. Both inputs require power for the amp to switch on.

- Measure for voltage between TERMINAL #1 & THE CHASSIS.
This confirms your high-current power is present at the terminal.

- Measure for voltage between terminal #1 & terminal #3.
This confirms that your amp is grounded.

- With the head unit powered on, measure for voltage between terminal #2 & the chassis.

If you are concerned about doing this w/ the head unit powered on, then jump a wire from #1 to #2 and see if the light comes on.
Hello everyone thanks again for all your help. Got it figured out. lol. And I’m a dumb a$$ lol, so when I ran the wires my remote start wire was behind the brake pedal so when I pressed my brakes I sheared of the wire. I was confused because both the factory amp and my independent amp and sub cut off at the same time. So once again I over complicated things. But thanks everyone