Judging from the “LJ-10” decal, this is the inspiration: https://www.motortrend.com/features/1508-big-ten-the-last-cj-10-jeep-encyclopedia/
Poor execution though. At first I thought it was just someone who had a weird thing for YJs and brute conversions.
I wonder what the true story is behind it. I'll give the builder an "A" for effort, but it's not my cup of tea.
I wonder also why. The rest of thatYJTJ is not setup for much of anything.
"runs and drives, and needs a brake line , frame rusty like the rest of them. Been welded and patched up . I drive it every day ."
View attachment 539076
Is that a 2x4 supposed to be supporting the body?
I'd like to see that thing go through a pot hole.
Seeing the number of body mounts that are using atmospheric isolators, I'll bet the body would come off what's left of the frame.